For new scholarship students

Information about dormitory application:

In the first semester of the academic year of 2024/2025 the Dormitory Board of the University of Debrecen can offer the following dormitory possibility for first year scholarship students: Campus Hotel, Lajos Kossuth Dormitory III. Lajos Markusovszky Dormitory III., Sportdormitory, Peter Veres Dormitory. Every room of the dormitories are triple occupancy.

The dormitory places are allocated by the Dormitory Board, on first-come-first-serve basis, taking into consideration the location of your faculty.

The students have the opportunity to apply for a dormitory place through this Form from 10:00AM CEST 26th of June 2024 (Wednesday). The deadline of the application is 10:00AM CEST 28th of June 2024 (Friday)

You will see the form from 10:00AM CEST 26th of June 2024 (Wednesday).

We will send you the result of your application after 2nd of July 2024. If you get a place in the dormitory, you can move in from 1st September.


The most important dormitory issues of the academic year of 2024/2025 are the followings: 

The students can decide whether the dormitory is appropriate for them up to 15 days after moving in.  If they decide to stay, then it is a full-semester commitment, and even if the student moves out later during the semester s/he can only receive the accommodation allowance from the next semester onwards. The 15 day grace period only applies to students who move in until 15th September. Those who move in later, will have less time to give a notification and they need to decide and to move out at the end of September the latest. IIf someone moves in after September, then it is a full-semester commitment, no grace period can be given in such case. 

The dormitory placement is for the full academic year, which consists of 10 months.  

Moving from one dormitory to another can only be performed with the special permission of the head of dormitory (or the person entitled in charge). 

The student admitted to the dormitory has to pay a cultural contribution (8,000 HUF) through the Neptun system, with which they contribute to the cost of programmes organized in the dormitory and can participate in them for free. Also, they are to pay a sum of 8,000 HUF to cover the cost of any necessary fixing and damage (e.g. replacement of broken washbasin, fixing a microwave, or replacing it, etc.) or whitewash. These amounts need to be paid only once a year by the student, it is not covered by the scholarship. 

The dormitory fee in case of the mentioned dormitories with three bed room placements will be covered by the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship for the scholarship students, so the accommodation support will be transferred to the dormitories and the students do not need to pay any extra apart from the above mentioned items. 

The student has to reimburse any damage caused according to the damage fee chart given to them at the time of moving in. 

The student can move in the dormitory only in case they accept the conditions, rules and regulations for fire and labour safety, IT rules and guest hosting rules. 

Information about dormitories