Dormitory Application

Information about dormitory accommodation for Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holders in the academic year of 2024/2025

In the academic year of 2024/2025 the Dormitory Board of the University of Debrecen will provide the following dormitory possibilities for Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship holders: József Borsos Dormitory, Campus Hotel, Lajos Kossuth III. Dormitory, Lajos Markusovszky III. Dormitory, Sportdormitory, Péter Veres Dormitory.

Stipendium Hungaricum students have the opportunity to apply for the dormitory through a Google Form. They will have to state the order of their choice. The dormitory application period starts from 10:00AM (CEST) 19th June 2024. (Wednesday) The deadline of application is 12:00PM (CEST) 23th June, 2024 (Sunday).

To apply for a dormtory, click on the following link: APPLICATION FOR DORMITORY TO 2024/2025 (available from 10:00AM (CEST) 19th June 2024)


The procedure for ranking dormitory places is as follows:

The maximum total number of points that can be awarded for academic, professional and public activities and for the Hungarian language examination is 200. The composition of this total is as follows:

  • 60 %, i.e. a maximum of 120 points, may be awarded for the study average

  • 20 %, i.e. a maximum of 40 points, may be awarded for other professional work (TDK, etc.)

  • 10 %, i.e. a maximum of 20 points, may be awarded for public activities

  • 10 %, i.e. a maximum of 20 points, may be awarded for the language examination certificate in Hungarian


Calculation of the number of points to be awarded on the basis of your study average

From the GPA of the last two completed semesters, we calculate the student's study points using a central formula (the formula also takes into account the average, the level of education), and then we take the arithmetic mean of the scores of the two semesters.


Evaluation of professional work

1) 20 points for the TDK thesis presented at the National Scientific Student Conferences (OTDK) in the academic year of admission to the college, awarded a special prize, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, and accompanied by a copy of the diploma

2) For a demonstration assignment carried out in the academic year of admission to the college, accompanied by a copy of the assignment: 10 points

3) 10 points for a professional publication published exclusively in a journal or in a single volume not more than 2 years before the year of admission to the college or accepted for publication by the editorial board, with full reference (title of journal, title of work, year, number, page) and a (photocopy) of the title page of the published work

4) 10 points for participation in the OTDK in the academic year of admission to the college, if not successful, on submission of a copy of the certificate of participation

5) Nominated for the OTDK and certified by the faculty TDK responsible (but no OTDK in that year): 5 points

6) For participation in the University of Debrecen's Talent Management Programme, if a copy of the diploma is submitted: 10 points

7) For the University of Debrecen sports scholarship in the category "University quality sports" for students who have been awarded the scholarship in the academic year of admission to the University of Debrecen, 20 points, if a copy of the certificate certifying the award is enclosed


Evaluation of the community activity

1) Members of the Dormitory Committee with a valid mandate will be admitted to the dormitory without a selection procedure.

2) The President and Vice President of the Students' Union and the President of the Faculty Students' Union for the academic year in question shall be awarded: 30 points

3) 25 points for the Secretary of the Dormitory Committee for the academic year in question

4) For the activities of a member of the Student Council, a member of the Faculty Council or a member of the Dormitory Committee in the previous term, based on the recommendation of the Dormitory Committees or the Faculty Student Council and the decision of the Student Council: 1 - 20 points

5) For the student representative of the institute, departmental group, departmental council, on the basis of a list drawn up in advance by the HÖK: 1 - 5 points

6) On the basis of a list drawn up in advance by the dormitory committees, a student who has carried out community activities in a college may be awarded: 1 - 15 points

The number of students rewarded in this way by each college committee may not exceed 3% of the student places in the college in question.

7) No points may be awarded for church or political activities.


Evaluation of the language examination certificate in Hungarian

1) For language examinations in Hungarian or in a language other than your mother tongue and the language of course, the following points are awarded only if accompanied by a copy of a state-recognised language examination certificate from Hungary:

a. 5 points for a basic level A1 and A2 language examination

b. 10 points for a basic B1 level examination

c. One intermediate level B2: 15 points

d. For a C1 or C2 language examination at higher level: 20 points

A Hungarian language course taken as a university course in Neptun cannot be counted as additional points, i.e. it does not qualify as a language examination.

Finally, the student's grade point average, professional work and public activity and Hungarian language exam scores are added to give the student's performance score.

Students are then ranked according to their performance scores in each dormitory to which they have applied. Students are admitted from the dormitories where they have first reached the cut-off point for college placement. Therefore, the order of the colleges is of paramount importance and cannot be changed afterwards.

From the 2024/2025 academic year onwards, PhD students will not be automatically admitted to the first place they have applied for, but their application will be assessed in the same way as for non-doctoral students.

Decision about applications will be carried out on the 26th of June. We will inform every student about the decision on the 27th of June.


The most important dormitory issues of the academic year of 2024/2025 are the followings:

The students can decide whether the dormitory is appropriate for them up to 15 days after moving in. If they decide to stay, they have to pay the dormitory fee for every month of the rest of the term. The 15 day grace period only applies to students who move in until 15th September. Those who move in later, will have less time to give a notification and they need to decide and to move out at the end of September the latest. If someone moves in after September, he/she has to pay the dormitory fee for the full term, no probation period is given in this case.

The dormitory placement is for the full academic year, which consists of 10 months.

Moving from one dormitory to another can only be performed with the special permission of the head of dormitory (or the person entitled in charge).

The student admitted to the dormitory has to pay a cultural contribution (8,000 HUF) through the Neptun system, with which they contribute to the cost of programmes organized in the dormitory and can participate in them for free. Also, they are to pay a sum of 8,000 HUF to cover the cost of any necessary fixing and damage (e.g. replacement of broken washbasin, fixing a microwave, or replacing it, etc.) or whitewash. These amounts need to be paid only once a year by the student, it is not covered by the scholarship. The payment deadline is the 8th day after moving in

The dormitory fee in case of the mentioned dormitories with three bed room placements will be covered by the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship for the scholarship students, so the accommodation support will be transferred to the dormitories and the students do not need to pay any extra apart from the above mentioned items.

The student has to reimburse any damage caused according to the damage fee chart given to them at the time of moving in.

The student can move in the dormitory only in case they accept the conditions, rules and regulations for fire and labour safety, IT rules and guest hosting rules.


Information about dormitories:

1. József Borsos Dormitory:

Address: 4028 Debrecen, Ótemető utca (Street) 2-4.

Placement: 3 bed rooms

Distance from university buildings:

The dormitory is next to the educational institution of the Faculty of Engineering. It is recommended to students studying at the Faculty of Engineering. The Kassai Street Campus is near the dormitory (about 10 minutes on foot), too. For this reason it is also a good choice for students studying at the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Public Health and Faculty of Informatics.

Internet access is provided in all rooms. Every room has a washbasin. Each level has a shared bathroom and kitchen. There is a canteen at the educational institution ground floor, it can be used for extra cost. Every room has its own refrigerator. The laundry is free.


2. Campus Hotel

Address: 4028 Debrecen, Kassai út (road) 26.

Placement: 3 bed rooms

Distance from university buildings:

The dormitory is in the Kassai Street Campus. It is recommended to students studying

at the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Public Health and Faculty of Informatics but the Egyetem téri campus can also be reached easily (ten minutes by bus).

Internet, television (with 21 free TV channels) and a refrigerator can be found in each room, every room unit has a bathroom, there is a phone in every room, and the inner university telephone numbers can be called for free. Common kitchen and solid waste chute can be found on each floor.

The bowling, restaurant and laundry which is located inside the building can be used for extra cost.


3. Lajos Kossuth Dormitory III.

Address: 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér (Square) 1.

Placement: 2x3 bed rooms

Distance from university buildings:

It is located next to the Main Building of the university. It is recommended to students studying at the Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Dentistry, but the Kassai and Böszörményi campus can also be reached easily (ten minutes by bus). This dormitory can be a good choice for those students as well who will be students of the International Foundation Year program, as most of their courses will be held at the Main Campus of the University.

Internet, television can be found in each room, every two room unit has a water block. Every room has a refrigerator. 21 TV channels can be watched for free, there is a phone in every room, and the inner university telephone numbers can be called for free. Common kitchen and solid waste chute can be found on each floor. The gym which is located inside the building can be used for extra cost. There is a library with English magazines and expanding book stock in the English language.


4. Lajos Markusovszky Dormitory III.

Address: 4028 Debrecen, Móricz Zsigmond krt. 22.

Number of beds per room: 3

Distance from university buildings:

It is located at the area of the university clinics. It is recommended to students studying at the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Dentistry. The main building of the University of Debrecen is also close by. This dormitory is a good choice for the future students of the International Foundation Year program too.

Bathroom, internet, can be found in each room. Every room has its own refrigerator. Kitchen belongs to each room. Every level has its own study room and solid waste chute. The gym which is located inside the building can be used for extra cost.


5. Sportdormitory

Address: 4032 Debrecen, Móricz Zsigmond út (Road) 4.

Number of beds per room: 3

Distance from university buildings:

All campuses 10-15 minutes on walk or by bus. Internet access is provided in all rooms. Each room has a washbasin. Every level has a shared bathroom and kitchen. Amenities of the kitchen: microwave, electric cooker. The laundry is free. In the garden there is a bicycle storage. You can close the bicycle storage.


6. Péter Veres Dormitory

Address: 4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út (Street) 140.

Number of beds per room: 2 (FOR ONLY PHD STUDENT. The accommodation fee 60.000 HUF/month )

Number of beds per room: 3

Distance from university buildings:

The dormitory is located next to the buildings of the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management.

Internet access is provided in all rooms. Each level has a shared bathroom and kitchen. Canteen is on the ground floor, it can be used for extra cost. There is a gym, a sport field, a work out park and running track located next to the dormitory.


General information valid for all dormitories:

1. Dormitory services free of charge

• Bed linen change every two weeks, but only at those places where the dormitory bedding is used

• 1 cushion, 1 quilt

• 1 desk, chair, wardrobe

• 24 hour reception

• 25 litre per person in the fridges is ensured

• Laundry

• Internet

• Student room


2. Cleaning

The dormitory workers only take care of the cleaning of the common rooms.

The rooms and their premises must be kept clean by the tenants. They have to distribute the waste from their rooms. Trustee of the Dormitory Directorate of the University may check the cleanness of the rooms once a month and the results are reported.

If they consider the rooms dirty, they can order a cleaning. After three forced cleaning the student will be dismissed from the dormitory.


3. Smoking

Smoking inside the building of the Dormitory is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN! Smoking is only permitted at the designated places. If someone breaks the rules, they will be dismissed straight away.


4. Other rules

Microwave oven, water heater, sandwich maker, heater (any machine which produces heat) cannot be used in the dormitory rooms.

Writing, drawing, sticking on the walls and furniture is strictly forbidden. If somebody breaks the rules the caused harm needs to be paid.

Animals are not permitted at the area of the dormitory.

A contract book needs to be signed during the process of moving in, students have to accept it. The contract book includes the conditions, rules and regulations for fire and labour safety, IT rules and guest hosting rules and all the other rules.